and calling me Julia. And the fire alarm goes off as he starts spanking my ass. Wisps of smoke swirl around us and the light flashes on and off. Jeans and panties round my ankles. Hair loose past my shoulders. Old blue hoodie over a favorite well-worn scarlet tee. He's spanking my ass with something
"Oh, Julia."
hard and whippy, plastic—but what?
"Fucking hell."
The alarm right above us—flashing and screaming.
"You feel so good."
Look down to see pink panties with little flowers, and I'm not wearing a bra under the shirt. Smell
"Sweet Julia"
the sweet sizzling smell of something burning. Now, I'm
"Jesus fucking"
getting closer, and the smoke's getting
"Christ, that's such a slick sweet pussy."
thicker. He drops the dustpan—dustpan!—a laugh rises up in my throat. Then
"You get so wet for me."
slam-bam wham and we're done.